
I guess I never really thought about it before, but study abroad is a lot like repeating freshmen year. You’re still figuring out the campus. You’re looking for new clubs to join. And you’re basically just trying to figure out how to organize all your time since you’re being thrown in this new environment. But it’s an amazing experience still.

You learn so many new things in new classes that you never thought you’d take before (Seriously, I never thought I would ever take a class called Experience of War). You meet so many new people from all over the world and get to know them a little bit. You get a little bit excited at every new experience. It keeps me grounded but also positive. There’s so much to know about the world and I want to learn more and more about it.

So yep. This week classes started and they’re all pretty interesting. Actually, most of my classes kind of take me back to AP European History, but without the Weber readings and Chambers notes. I’ve talked to more people in my classes and officially joined the Ukulele Society. I can play a C chord hooray! I’ve tasted delicious food at Borough Market. I’ve explored the beauty and happiness that is the Columbia Road Flower Market. I fell in love with the smells of ethnic food and vintage clothing at Sunday UpMarket. I revisited the British Library and its treasures. I went through Platform 9 3/4 with my proud Hufflepuff scarf. I’ve basked in the sunny blue skies of London.

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I’m getting used to my routes to places and the joys of efficient public transportation. There’s something about public transportation that just makes me happy. I love seeing so many people and wondering what their story is. Just walking around in London with so many people, I wonder.

Being in London has given me a refresher course on just about everything. I’ve still got a lot to learn though and I can’t wait.

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