The Simple Pleasures

When you prepare to go abroad for six months, they show you this culture shock curve of how you go up and then you go down. You get upset and mad at things and you just don’t understand because you’re in a new country where the things you know don’t necessarily apply anymore. For me, some days I do get a little annoyed at how buses are running late.

Not every day of study abroad is a new life-changing adventure either. The process feels more gradual. Each day adds on and accumulates into one big adventure. Some days, the simple things are the most beautiful. The other day, it rained in London (very typical). But it was different this time. As I was walking back home from grocery shopping, the sun started peeking out and you could see all of the rain drops coming down. As I rounded a corner, I saw just an amazing, tranquil scene. With the sunlight so overwhelmingly across the sky, lighting up all the colors around me and the rain drops coming down. The picture I took doesn’t do what I saw justice.


In addition to the rain, a rainbow came out at the end of the day. The first rainbow I had seen for a while.


These were just simple scenes, but it just reminded me of how beautiful the world is and how lucky I am to be here in London. It really made me reflect on myself. I came home and opened my windows for the first time and I breathed in new fresh air after the rain. I felt free and connected to nature and my surroundings. It was thrilling and reminded me of the simple pleasures.

I also was able to go on some bigger adventures as well. I went off to Cambridge and explored the city. I was definitely on information overload that day with all the things I learned about the city and its many colleges. I learned about King Henry VIII and his history with Cambridge. I learned about the Oxford-Cambridge rivalry. I learned about famous alumni, such as Sir Isaac Newton. I learned about student life. I went on a biking tour of the city and learned how to use handbrakes on a bike. I was able to go punting (or sit while someone else punted. Punting is actually really difficult from the two seconds I spent standing on the boat.) Although it was cold that day, it was definitely an amazing experience. Cambridge was a quaint town and it definitely made my imagination come alive.


I also went to Ascot for the races. It was an amazing cultural experience to see everyone so into horse-racing and how exciting the sport can be, especially in the crucial last leg of the race. I had always wanted to see horse races when I was younger. After Ascot, I was able to check a childhood dream off my bucket list.


I’ve already been in London for a month and a half and time is definitely going by more quickly than I thought it would. I am looking forward to many more adventures to come. I am going to embark on more and more adventures. I’m going to soak in what life has to offer me, both simple and grand.


Happy monthiversary to me! It’s been one month since I’ve been in London. And I am now 20 years old so happy belated birthday to me. It’s kind of awesome knowing that I’m going to be starting off my twenties in London.

Since coming back from my day in Dover, I have tried Nando’s for the first time and it was delicious. Although it was a little spicy at times for my tastes, it was still delicious. Their sauces are delicious and not to mention nato is delightfully, but not overbearingly sweet. I really want to try more Portuguese food now.


I have spent time around Strand campus. I decided to take upon a little experiment this week. I decided to walk on the other side of the street, just to see what it would be like. I loved seeing how the street, buildings, and shops looked different. They shifted a little bit and it seemed like there were new stories that were waiting to be written and read.

To celebrate my birthday, I had tapas with a few new friends and it was delicious. It was great to just spend dinner with people and get to know about all the different countries people are from and how the world is so diverse. It was an excellent and perfect way to get a start on my twenties.

I’ve also checked out Shoreditch briefly today and found it to be the hipster part of London that I’ve missed in Los Angeles. I really need to go back again soon and check it out in detail.

So here I go diving in again, waiting for my next adventure.